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Monday, December 5, 2011

Art made using.........garbage.

Albert Einstein in Junk Art:


Teddy Bear in Junk Art:


Computer Chip Table in Junk Art:


Obama in Junk Art:


Cheetah in Junk Art:


Bike in Junk Art:


Nelson Mandela in Junk Art:


Egg Shell Chicken in Junk Art:


Computer Chip world in Junk Art:


Elvis Presley in Junk Art:


Hard Disk Robot in Junk Art:


Horse in Junk Art:


Angel in Junk Art:


Nicolas Cage in Junk Art:


The Rock in Junk Art:


Business Card Girl in Junk Art:


Rhino in in Junk Art:


Sea Shell Portrait in Junk Art:


Cassette Tape Guy in Junk Art:


Business Card Portrait in Junk Art:


T-Rex in Junk Art:


Tree Horse in Junk Art:


Dog in Junk Art:


Computer Chip Sculpture in Junk Art:


Mariah Carey in Junk Art:


Girl Portrait in Junk Art:


Michael Jackson in Junk Art:


CD Rack Chair in Junk Art:


6 ways graphic designers can accept failure [article]

Success does not fall upon everyone. Only those who strive to reach the pinnacle of what they do find true success and accomplishment. As graphic designers, we also strive for success and achievements in our careers. But not every graphic designer is able to succeed. In fact some face failure in the preliminary stages of their career. But for me, failure acts as a motivation to succeed all the more.
Sometimes in life, the fear of failing is what causes failure. But I have always believed that if you do what you fear, then fear will disappear itself. In my years of experience in the graphic design field, I have faced many instances where failure confronted me. But each time, my motto was to "Forget the past, live the present and plan for the future." Since I am well aware of what it feels like to get setbacks in your professional life, I present some easy ways to handle failure. I hope you will find them helpful in time of distress:

1. Accept Your Mistakes:

Accept Your Mistakes
The first thing you need to do is learn to accept your mistakes. Nobody is born perfect and humans by nature are flawed. Many graphic designers strive for perfection. But you must learn to acknowledge that you as a graphic designer can also make mistakes in your career. If you don’t recognize your fault, then you will never be able to identify what caused failure.

2. Assess your condition:

Assess your condition
Once you have acknowledged that you have made a blunder, only then you can sit down and assess what went wrong. Go a few paces back and analyze the situation under various possible scenarios. Maybe you were dealing with a bad client type that you should avoid in future. This is will help you in understanding what went wrong and how you can prevent it from happening in the future.

3. Take Lessons from Failure:

Take Lessons from Failure
In order to prevent from more failure of similar nature in the future, you should learn to take lessons from your past. Try to figure out the reasons that lead to your previous failure and plan ahead so that you don’t face any comparable disappointment in your work in future. Work out all the graphic designer mistakes that you have committed and prevent them from happening again.

4. Don’t Blame Yourself:

Don't Blame Yourself
Another thing that some graphic designers do after failing is blame themselves. Being pessimistic is never fruitful and this could lead to depression and dejection. As a professional, one must never lose composure and be optimistic about themselves. Never blame yourself for failure or else the guilt will haunt you forever in the future.

5. Let it go, Move On:

Let it go, Move On
Another vital tip in handling failure is to let go of the past. Some people have a bad habit of recollecting the disappointments throughout their lives. This not only disturbs your focus from work, but it also hinders your future prospects. As I mentioned a graphic design quote earlier, you should forget the past, live the present and prepare for the future.

6. Never Give Up:

Never Give Up
Last but not least is determination. Some graphic designers who fail at first give up instantly. Those who give up easily should read this short narration about the great inventor Thomas Edison. “Thomas Alva Edison went through numerous tries to create the light bulb. Instead of giving up even after failing so many times, Edison was of the view that he did not fail. On the contrary, he believed that he found numerous ways of NOT creating a light bulb.”
In the end, I would say that to try and not succeed rather than not trying at all. I hope my tips will encourage young and aspiring graphic designers to never lose hope and learn for their failure.

this is awesome: shuffling famous logos

1. McDonalds – Burger King Brandversation

Logo Brandversations
Logo Brandversations
Logo Brandversations
Logo Brandversations
Logo Brandversations

2. Pepsi – Coke Brandversation

Logo Brandversations
Logo Brandversations
Logo Brandversations
Logo Brandversations
Logo Brandversations

3. Nikkon – Canon Brandversation

Logo Brandversations
Logo Brandversations
Logo Brandversations
Logo Brandversations
Logo Brandversations

4. Apple – Windows Brandversation

Logo Brandversations
Logo Brandversations
Logo Brandversations
Logo Brandversations
Logo Brandversations

5. Internet Explorer – Firefox Brandversation

Logo Brandversations
Logo Brandversations
Logo Brandversations
Logo Brandversations
Logo Brandversations

10 unknown facts about Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs 1955-2011

• 10 Unknown Facts About Steve Jobs:

Even though Steve Jobs was under the spotlight for most of his life, his earlier life was marred by grief and misery. Almost all of us know Steve Jobs as the billionaire CEO of Apple Inc. (a brand that doesn’t sell what it tells). But most of us are unaware of many interesting and unknown happenings of his life. Therefore, to pay a tribute to this legend, I thought of collecting 10 such facts about his life that I’m sure most of you won’t be familiar with.
1. Was Half Arab - Born on 24th February 1955, Steve Jobs was originally born to a Political Science Professor Abdulfattah Jandali (Syrian) and Joanne Carole Schieble (student). He was later put up for adoption and was raised by Paul and Clara Jobs.
2. Preferred Buddhism – When jobs married Laurene Powell, on 18th March, 1991, a Zen Buddhist monk Kobun Chino Otogawa supervised the wedding.
3. Has a Famous Biological Sister – Steve was never aware that he had a biological sister who was famous on her own. It was not until Mona Simpson became a famous author of several books and Steve Jobs found out about her sister.
4. Fired From His Own Company – Amazingly, Jobs was fired at the age of 30 by the man (John Sculley) whom he himself hired to run Apple. But Jobs consequently established NeXT computers (Another fact about famous brands that you might not have known).

8 self motivating tops for graphic designers

1. Do Away With Pessimism:

The first thing that we need to do as graphic designers is stay optimistic. We must learn to believe in ourselves and our ability to think creatively. Most designers fail to think resourcefully because they lose their inner confidence. They fear that they might have reached a level of maturity where your creative skills diminish. But the truth of the matter is…creativity has no age limits.

2. Be an Entrepreneur – Take Risks:

In order to try something new, you must be daring and ready to take risks. Much like an entrepreneur, who never shies away from challenges and is willing to take risk in establishing a novel business venture. Likewise, graphic designers should also be willing to take risk in trying out new and different design concepts. So don’t be afraid, let your creativity run wild and you will find loads of fresh and novel logo design ideas and concepts.

3. Keep a ‘Creative Circle’:

There is a common saying “If you can’t beat them, join them”. Another easy way of staying creative is by surrounding yourself with a ‘creative circle’. A creative circle would include all the people and associates who are known for their dexterity and design intelligence. It is said that man learns from whatever environment he is exposed to. Hence, make sure that your environment is a creative and resourceful one.

4. Always Keep a Pen and Paper:

Many a times, you are sitting somewhere and a great idea pops into your mind. But you decide to work on it later and eventually forget it afterwards. In order to avoid wasting your creative thinking capacity, always carry a pen and paper with you. Or even more convenient in the age of technology is to use your notebooks and iPhones to jot down the bits and pieces of brilliance that come into your head.

5. Make Mistakes:

Another thing that stops most designers from thinking imaginatively is fear of making mistakes. Their apprehension is that if they think excessively, they might end up committing a major error. But in reality, one learns from his mistakes. It is well said that “The person that doesn’t make mistakes is unlikely to make anything.”

6. Be Liberal with Other’s Opinions:

Creativity is not always inherited or inborn. Sometimes you have to learn from your environment and peers by listening to their opinions and suggestions. Some designers have a knack of not keeping an open-mind when it comes to other’s views. In order to stay creative, you must be welcoming and liberal to client criticism and feedback.

7. Don’t be a Workaholic:

I remember my early days as a graphic designer when I used to be an extreme workaholic. Being relatively new to the professional graphic design world, I used to panic a lot and work day in day out on my assignments. It used to drain the creative juices out of me. Hence, my advice is never to be a workaholic as your mind needs adequate rest to think productively.

8. Get Inspiration from Design Galleries:

Sometimes a little inspiration is what you need to get your creative spark back on track. In order to that, there is no dearth of inspiration spots on the internet these days. There are many sites like Behance and deviantart that showcase inspirational designs from aspiring graphic designers. These sites will help you get your creative engine running back again.

30 effective global warming ads [article]

Earthquakes, Tsunami, Floods and all other natural disasters are a constant reminder for the humanity that we are facing a massive calamity…Global Warming. The phenomenon of Global Warming explains the rising of Earth’s average temperature, resulting rise in sea levels. Even though we study about global warming and its after-effects in schools and colleges, but are comfortably numb and unresponsive to this global social issue.
Since we all live in the same world, responsibility lies on each one of us to control this menace. Regardless of country, color or creed, this is a problem on which the whole world must unite to resolve. As graphic designers, we can also play a part by spreading awareness of global warming through our skills of graphic design. Print advertisements that spread awareness of global warming are one place where designers can use their creativity to play their part in this fight against this global threat.
In order to create awareness, I have amassed a collection of 30 creative print ads that are responsive towards the issue of Global Warming.

Legambiente: Global warming

Legambiente: Global warming

Stop Global Warming: Pig

Stop Global Warming: Pig

Greenpeace: Global warming

Greenpeace: Global warming

Young Global Leaders Earth Love Movement Foundation: Act now

Young Global Leaders Earth Love Movement Foundation: Act now

Greenpeace: New York

Greenpeace: New York

WWF: Fish

WWF: Fish

Glacier Society: Face

Glacier Society: Face

DHL: Small World

DHL: Small World

Global warming awareness: Earth

Global warming awareness: Earth

WWF: Homeless Seal

WWF: Homeless Seal

Greenpeace: White Roofs, Polar Bear

Greenpeace: White Roofs, Polar Bear

WWF Brasil: Tsunami

WWF Brasil: Tsunami

Stop Global Warming: Eggs

Stop Global Warming: Eggs

Greenpeace: Snow globe

Greenpeace: Snow globe

WWF: Lungs

WWF: Lungs

Global Warming: Iscream

Global Warming: Iscream

Fight Global Warming

Fight Global Warming

Help Stop Global Warming

Help Stop Global Warming

Global Warming – Evolution

Global Warming – Evolution

Global Warming – Stop It Now

Global Warming - Stop It Now

Surfrider Foundation: Grenade

Surfrider Foundation: Grenade

WWF: Bubbles

WWF: Bubbles

Global warming PSA – time

Global warming PSA – time

Anti Global Warming Campaign

Anti Global Warming Campaign

Greenpeace Greece: Air conditioner

Greenpeace Greece: Air conditioner

Greenpeace I Climate change

Greenpeace I Climate change

Flex Your Power: Legacy

Flex Your Power: Legacy

AlAin AD

AlAin AD

WWF Polar Bear

WWF Polar Bear

