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Monday, December 5, 2011

10 unknown facts about Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs 1955-2011

• 10 Unknown Facts About Steve Jobs:

Even though Steve Jobs was under the spotlight for most of his life, his earlier life was marred by grief and misery. Almost all of us know Steve Jobs as the billionaire CEO of Apple Inc. (a brand that doesn’t sell what it tells). But most of us are unaware of many interesting and unknown happenings of his life. Therefore, to pay a tribute to this legend, I thought of collecting 10 such facts about his life that I’m sure most of you won’t be familiar with.
1. Was Half Arab - Born on 24th February 1955, Steve Jobs was originally born to a Political Science Professor Abdulfattah Jandali (Syrian) and Joanne Carole Schieble (student). He was later put up for adoption and was raised by Paul and Clara Jobs.
2. Preferred Buddhism – When jobs married Laurene Powell, on 18th March, 1991, a Zen Buddhist monk Kobun Chino Otogawa supervised the wedding.
3. Has a Famous Biological Sister – Steve was never aware that he had a biological sister who was famous on her own. It was not until Mona Simpson became a famous author of several books and Steve Jobs found out about her sister.
4. Fired From His Own Company – Amazingly, Jobs was fired at the age of 30 by the man (John Sculley) whom he himself hired to run Apple. But Jobs consequently established NeXT computers (Another fact about famous brands that you might not have known).

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