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Monday, December 5, 2011

30 effective global warming ads [article]

Earthquakes, Tsunami, Floods and all other natural disasters are a constant reminder for the humanity that we are facing a massive calamity…Global Warming. The phenomenon of Global Warming explains the rising of Earth’s average temperature, resulting rise in sea levels. Even though we study about global warming and its after-effects in schools and colleges, but are comfortably numb and unresponsive to this global social issue.
Since we all live in the same world, responsibility lies on each one of us to control this menace. Regardless of country, color or creed, this is a problem on which the whole world must unite to resolve. As graphic designers, we can also play a part by spreading awareness of global warming through our skills of graphic design. Print advertisements that spread awareness of global warming are one place where designers can use their creativity to play their part in this fight against this global threat.
In order to create awareness, I have amassed a collection of 30 creative print ads that are responsive towards the issue of Global Warming.

Legambiente: Global warming

Legambiente: Global warming

Stop Global Warming: Pig

Stop Global Warming: Pig

Greenpeace: Global warming

Greenpeace: Global warming

Young Global Leaders Earth Love Movement Foundation: Act now

Young Global Leaders Earth Love Movement Foundation: Act now

Greenpeace: New York

Greenpeace: New York

WWF: Fish

WWF: Fish

Glacier Society: Face

Glacier Society: Face

DHL: Small World

DHL: Small World

Global warming awareness: Earth

Global warming awareness: Earth

WWF: Homeless Seal

WWF: Homeless Seal

Greenpeace: White Roofs, Polar Bear

Greenpeace: White Roofs, Polar Bear

WWF Brasil: Tsunami

WWF Brasil: Tsunami

Stop Global Warming: Eggs

Stop Global Warming: Eggs

Greenpeace: Snow globe

Greenpeace: Snow globe

WWF: Lungs

WWF: Lungs

Global Warming: Iscream

Global Warming: Iscream

Fight Global Warming

Fight Global Warming

Help Stop Global Warming

Help Stop Global Warming

Global Warming – Evolution

Global Warming – Evolution

Global Warming – Stop It Now

Global Warming - Stop It Now

Surfrider Foundation: Grenade

Surfrider Foundation: Grenade

WWF: Bubbles

WWF: Bubbles

Global warming PSA – time

Global warming PSA – time

Anti Global Warming Campaign

Anti Global Warming Campaign

Greenpeace Greece: Air conditioner

Greenpeace Greece: Air conditioner

Greenpeace I Climate change

Greenpeace I Climate change

Flex Your Power: Legacy

Flex Your Power: Legacy

AlAin AD

AlAin AD

WWF Polar Bear

WWF Polar Bear



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